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led grow lights

OK, slight alter of plans with the led grow lights... Turns out I got a suggestion I could not refuse. One among my buddies came finished with 24 purple kush clones which have been just mint that required a home we bit hook line and sinker! Soooo, today we have 357 Magnum vs 24 purple kush. It will offer the SLH mother time to bush up within the next 2 months. These clones are essentially wanting to kick over now, problem is my room was on schedule for Two weeks from now. Well, appears to be I get a busy wekend prior to me!

I consider vegging these babies for a few days then kicking them over say next Friday and also on together with the show!

Meanwhile, read the pics of the new babies as well as the layout from the new ponics program I expect to have it working by Saturday.

led grow lights